Save for a rainy day

Save for a rainy day
Path of seekers of truth is not an easy one, even more so for householders, who constantly have to juggle several balls in the air. Focus is a problem, hence the discipline of Nitnem (Daily Prayers) advised by the wise. We all have ups and downs, we all lose our way, we all become confused and frustrated, that’s life, an arena of pain and pleasure. Scriptures (of recognised faiths) offer us solace, hope, awakening of our consciousness. They also offer us insight into our deeper self and perspectives on life. Scriptures enable us to see our priorities more clearly, they highlights the futility of wealth, power and pride, which are perishable, temporary ‘commodities’.
We save money for a rainy day. Similarly, focus on Satguru in good times. Bad times do come, just like rainy days, the ‘spiritual kamaaee/cash’ saved in the good times will stand us in good stead.
Just remember Satgur is always by your side

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