Chip on the shoulder!

Chip on the shoulder!
We from South Asia, particularly, the Indian sub continent, cry discrimination at the drop of a hat, when the same is rife in our home countries.

True there is racial bias in the west, I, myself, have been a victim of this in the past, but, fortunately, it’s been easing as Asians prosper in the west (e.g. the UK, Canada, States. However, bias on the basis of religion, culture, colour and caste is just as bad, if not worse, in the east. The infrastructure in our home countries is riddled with caste, colour & creed.

So let us remove the chip from our shoulders and stop pointing fingers at others while overlooking our own inborn, nasty streaks of bias and prejudice. Lets be honest, bias is in our nature, we simply have to nurture it to adopt the higher values of kindness, compassion and fair play.

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