Spirituality: A Way of Life

Most people draw different connotations from the term spirituality. For me, spirituality is justifying the gift of human form bestowed upon me by The Source (Ik Onkar) after many cycles of life & death. So, how do we justify our human existence?
The primary choice is between the two worlds, the outer materialistic approach and the constant  introspection, self-appraisal, re: keeping a check on our negative traits, kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar ….. while performing the duties of the householder. Each of these energies can be channelled constructively or destructively, for example:
(1) Kaam Ras (lust) can, through meditation, be turned into Naam Ras, leading to Bliss (Anand)
(2) Rage (Krodh), through the virtue of Tolerance can be transformed  into Kindness, Mercy & Veer Ras (valiance, gallantry).
For full table see end of my article  ‘Virtues and Evils’ under Articles General.

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